Manlug meeting July 2015

The Manlug meeting for July 2015 will be at Madlab again this month, details below:

Location:Madlab - PLANT NOMA

Dantzic Street,
M60 0AE

Meeting Date:  18/07/2015

Meeting times: 19:00 - 21:00


Paul Waring is a regular attendee of the group, he has very kindly agreed to give a talk on BSD/Solaris this month, details below:

Not just Linux: BSD, Solaris et al.

We've all used Linux, whether directly on a desktop, on a phone or indirectly every time we use a popular website. But Linux is only part of the open source ecosystem. There are many other options available for kernels and userland, some of which have been around for far longer than Linux.

We'll take a look at some of the alternatives, from the well-known to the obscure and esoteric, including Solaris, BSD, Plan 9 and the Hurd.