Manlug meeting June 2015

The Manlug meeting for June 2015 will be at Madlab again this month, details below:

Location:Madlab - PLANT NOMA

Dantzic Street,
M60 0AE

Meeting Date:  20/06/2015

Meeting times: 19:00 - 21:00


Simon Estill is a regular attendee of the group, he has very kindly agreed to give a talk on Git this month, details below:

Git for non Programmers

Git (initially written by Linus Torvalds) is a version control program used by programmers. However on a Linux system nearly all files are text files, shell scripts, config files, Html, LaTex etc - they can be version controlled.

An introduction to Git and the basic commands will be presented and how to use it with Vim, Emacs, LibreOffice and Inkscape. There will also be a demonstration on how to use Git Hub.