Manlug meeting May 2015

The Manlug meeting for May 2015 will be at Madlab this month, details below:

Location:Madlab - PLANT NOMA

Dantzic Street,
M60 0AE

Meeting Date:  16/05/2015

Meeting times: 19:00 - 21:00


Richard Ibbotson will give a talk about the fact that two Raspberry Pis are being taken to the International Space Station in November.

There was a competition to find someone who would like to write code for these whilst they are in situ on the ISS. More information here...

Richard did an interview with astronaut Tim Peake for this. The general ideas and layout of the project will be presented. Also the contents of the interview and possibly a discussion about this if people are interested.

Richard has written about GNU/Linux and BSD for Linux magazines for fifteen years. Linux Magazine. Linux Format magazine. Linux User and Developer magazine. Linux Voice. He has also travelled to many international Linux and BSD conferences and met most of the leading open source and free software luminaries. Such as Richard Stallman or Miguel de Icaza or Linus Torvalds and Theodore Tso and many others.