Manlug meeting March 2011

This was the post on the mailing list, I forgot to post to the website before the meeting. I meant to shortly after and then the site disappeared for about a week, mysteriously.

'With plenty of warning and returning to our normal slot of the third Saturday after our departure last month, I have to admit I could not count last month ;-), I announce this month's meeting:

Location:Madlab - PLANT NOMA

Dantzic Street,
M60 0AE

Meeting Date:  19/03/2011

Meeting times: 19:00 - 21:00


I will be giving a talk introducing 'core-utils', I appreciate this may be old-hat (not Redhat or Fedora) to some, but I for one will be learning plenty doing this. This is part of our 'back - to - basics' series, so please feel free to suggest something you want covered.

Talk can be downloaded here

Please also find Dave Gilberts talk on core-utils he gave a while back in the Kilburn days:

Apologies to all if you were looking out for the posting, I promise to be more organised.

Posting for April's talk is going up very shortly.